The Colors of Life by Michelle Vale
Divorce can be a traumatic and life-changing event for any child. A time when the familiar becomes foreign and a child’s concept of family is suddenly altered. This type of change and transition can be confusing and scary. This book is designed to provide children of divorce with optimism and reassurance that they are not alone in coping with what has become a regular part of family life. Written by Michelle Vale, who holds an MS in Counseling and whose parents divorced when she was six, The Colors of Life provides children with powerful messages to help guide them through a difficult and confusing period in their lives. Illustrated by various children of divorced parents, the visuals help to identify common feelings children experience.
Product Description
This book is paperback and only available through Amazon . (Price may vary, but typically costs $12.99)
Over half of all children living in the U.S. will experience the absence of a family member during their childhood. See how you can be a part of our mission to support these children as they experience grief.