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About Our Groups
A Peer-Support Community
Available Groups
Rainbows Is For All Children
Rainbows’ programs help people who are grieving the loss of a parent or loved one due to death, divorce/separation, deployment, deportation, incarceration or trauma.

Sunbeams: Preschool
Children ages 3–4 have an opportunity to grieve the loss in their family and develop appropriate coping skills for life. The process involves weekly meetings with a trained facilitator in small groups of no more than five children.
Rainbows: K-8th Grade
Elementary-aged children speak about their feelings and share their grief in a safe environment in small group settings. The groups are separated by age and led by trained facilitators utilizing developmentally-appropriate materials.
Spectrum: High School
Teens share feelings and thoughts about their loss with others their own age who are experiencing similar life-changing events. The group is led by a trained facilitator using age-appropriate materials.
Silver Linings: Community Crisis Program
A program to support children and teens affected by community crises. This program was developed after 9/11 and has since been rewritten in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Pre-K thru 12-grade levels available.
Rainbows Abroad
More Than 16 Countries

Find More Resources
Additional resources for all types of grief—death, divorce/separation, deployment, deportation, incarceration or trauma.