Feelings Toss Game/Activity



“Feelings Toss Game/Activity – Spanish Version – This game of self-discovery enables participants to examine deeply their own primary and secondary feelings attached to the changing events in their families. Appropriate for ages 10-18 years.

Product Description

Feelings Toss Game/Activity – Players are encouraged to look closely at the feelings they may associate with their own life-altering changes. Writing them down helps formulate their feelings and delve into those that are primary and those that seem secondary to them. (Vinyl game board, die, and Spanish version tablet of Feeling Record Sheets)

SKU: 7F Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight9 oz
Dimensions12 × 12 × 0.5 in

Over half of all children living in the U.S. will experience the absence of a family member during their childhood. See how you can be a part of our mission to support these children as they experience grief.


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