Rainbows Level 1 – The Kid Connection Journal



Ages 5 to 6 (Grades 1 and 2) – Revised August, 2012, Personal Journal for Level 1 Elementary Age Rainbows groups.

*For the purchase of Rainbows facilitators only.* If you would like to learn how to become a facilitator, click here. 

Product Description

Level 1-The Kid Connection Journal — Revised Rainbows Elementary Edition, Revised August 2012. This Level 1 Journal has been developed specifically for children between the ages of 6 to 8 (Grade 1 and 2). Unique characters whose stories are interwoven throughout each meeting/session include children from multi-cultural backgrounds each dealing with their own loss issues. Full page size and coloring book style are ideal for children’s artwork and recording their feelings and ideas. Features a flip book coloring activity throughout the journal. (Sized: 8-1/2″ x 11″, 4 color cover with 60 two-color interior pages.)

SKU: 51RJ Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight4 oz
Dimensions9.5 × 11 × 0.125 in

Over half of all children living in the U.S. will experience the absence of a family member during their childhood. See how you can be a part of our mission to support these children as they experience grief.


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