Mountain of Change Group Activity- Now in Color



This group activity encourages participants to acknowledge the obstacles they face, to view them as a challenge to be conquered, and to triumph over them with creative thinking and/or problem-solving.

Product Description

Participants climb the Mountain of Change by rolling a die and moving the designated number of spaces up the mountain, placing their gear on the appropriate boulders. The first one to reach the summit has conquered challenges and wins. Each boulder represents an important change a player might face. For many of these adolescent players, this change—whether a death, divorce, deployment or other unexpected and unwelcome event—has become a significant obstacle that could prevent them from healing and moving on with life. When people climb to the summit of a mountain, they develop an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. While playing this game, participants can alter their perception of their personal situation from obstacle to challenge. In time, as they master these obstacles, they can regain a sense of strength in themselves, in their family and in their many relationships. Only then can they begin to heal completely.

SKU: 7MC Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight9 oz
Dimensions12 × 12 × 0.5 in

Over half of all children living in the U.S. will experience the absence of a family member during their childhood. See how you can be a part of our mission to support these children as they experience grief.


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